Process: Antiquity 300 LR6 v3.1. LaMem Score 0.950

Process: Beauty Workflow 2016. LaMem Score 0.949

Process: Neutral Monochrome Nik Silver Efex Pro 2. LaMem Score 0.903
For several weeks, I've been taking advantage of MIT's Large-Scale Image Memorability - LaMem - to score different versions of the same image. The scores range from 0 to 1, where 1 is the most memorable. The difference between versions in most cases is relatively small, but telling. Because I generally agree with the scores, I like to use LaMem as sort of second opinion to choose a shot when a deadline doesn't allow looking away for a few days to gain perspective.
model: Megan Dillingham
makeup: Megan Duggan
hair: Todd Ryan Wennick
necklace: Hyper Haute design by Erica Dunk
camera: Nikon D800
lens: Micro-Nikkor 105mm f/2.8D
exposure: ISO 100 @ f/22 @ 1/100s
lighting: Broncolor